Our Plan

  • Unseen Tears is a group that is hosting a run/walk in Somerset, Calgary in order to raise money for child labour. All proceeds go to the Free the Children foundation.
  • The Free the Children foundation is an organization created by a 12 year old, Craig Kielburger, who was inspired to stop child labour. He took action and made a difference with Free the Children.
  • Free the Children has now sent 207 thousand school and health kits to children in need, shipped 15 million US dollars worth of medical supplies to Asia. Latin America and Africa and improved water quality, health care and sanitation for a million people.
  • With our run/walk, we will help Free the Children progress further in their fight against child labour.

Our Purpose

To raise awareness regarding child labour, so more people will take action toward improving the lives of the victims of child labour.

In our society today, not many people consider or even know where the products they are purchasing come from. The average consumer often regard the price as the most important factor when they are purchasing products - not that there's anything wrong with that. What is wrong, however, is that companies often conceal their poor labour practises from the public. As a result, when consumers buy products that are made with unfair labour practises, it encourages corporations such as Nike and Walmart to continue using children (age 15 and below) to manufacture their products. This not only saves the corporations gross amounts of  money, but the companies can also get away with the poor working conditions in their factories.

Underneath the flashy advertisements: A child labourer's point of view...
  • Harsh and dangerous working conditions
  • Only paid less than 25 cents for a day's work - and numerous are not even paid at all
  • Work 10 hours straight with no breaks
  • Often abused physically, mentally, and sexually. 

We Believe:

By raising social awareness, children involved in child labour will be able to receive the education they need to end the cycle of poverty

What YOU Can Do to help:

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Purchase items that are imported by fair trade.
Donate, and most importantly take action!
Every penny counts.
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